Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Google buys Motorola Mobility and will be able to build its own phones.

Google buys Motorola Mobility and will be able to build its own phones.
The leader of Google, Larry Page, announced Tuesday, May 22, the buyout of Motorola Mobility by his company for an amount of approximately 12.5 billion$. With this acquisition, Google has now men and the technology to develop its own mobile devices, equipped, exclusive, latest advances of their mobile operating system Android. In 2011, Google had launched its first phone, the Nexus, in partnership with Samsung. It was the first model running Android 4.0.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chrome 19: synchronize and share your tabs on your PC and Smartphone.

Chrome comes to version 19, and you can synchronize your tabs between your different machines, as well as to share on your Smartphone and tablets, if you use the beta browser in Android version. We had already told you about this feature when it appeared in the beta version of the browser. This is not all because it also allows synchronizing your different applications, themes, and favorite. To do this, just that you are logged into your account in Chrome. Will then appear at the bottom right a new tab, your other appliances, and sync features. This version 19 of Chrome is now available for all of the users in Linux, OS X and of course Windows. You can also download via this page.

HTC Desire C: Android 4.0 less than 200€.

HTC Desire C
HTC unveils his Desire C, a powerful, entertaining and ultra Smartphone connected, according to its constructor. This phone is as an affordable model. Its price should be less than 200€ without subscription. For this amount, it has access to Android 4.0, a SnapDragon processor running at 600 MHz and Beats Audio technology. Indeed, like the One X, flagship of HTC, Desire C is the OEM Monster services for the audio part. Specific HTC that listening to music is now one of the main uses of the Smartphone, it is therefore essential to convey the power and emotion of the artists entered in the studio. Compact, Desire C is locked in a refined design metal shell. It includes a 3.5-inch screen that displays a definition of 480 x 320 pixels. Certainly it is less than those of the tenors of the time (1280 x 720 pixels, generally), but should be adapted to the small size of the screen. HTC adds 512 MB of RAM and 4 GB of memory storage range in the Cloud by the subscription of two years at DropBox that adds 25 GB of available surface. Finally, add that a version of Desire C will incorporate a NFC chip for contactless as payment interactions. It will be available during the month of May.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The first Windows 8 shelves in November.

The first Windows 8 shelves in November.
The first bars of an Intel processor and equipped with Windows 8 should be launched on the market in the month of November. This is in any case what some sources close to the manufacturers of shelves are. More than a dozen models would be provided in a first time, half of the hybrid models, i.e. Convertible laptop computers touch tablets. All models of this first wave of Windows 8 tablets would work with a chip Atom Clover Trail, a dual-core model engraved in 32 nm that Intel will launch on this occasion. Of other Windows 8 tablet equipped with a processor Ivy Bridge should eventually see the day, but their characteristics are not yet known. Finally, Intel is already working on Bay Trail; the successor of Clover Trail engraved 22 nm. Course, once available, this future processor will naturally find its place in the market of Windows 8 tablets.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Les enfants et la nouvelle technologie

Les téléphones portables, à quel âge pour les enfants?
Les téléphones portables, à quel âge pour les enfants?
Presque tous les élèves capables de lire et écrire possèdent aujourd’hui un téléphone portable. Ce gadget est certes très utile, mais semble véritablement s’immiscer dans la vie de nos enfants. Le téléphone portable est le moyen de communication idéal, il est rapide, facile à utiliser, et permet de communiquer en temps réel. Mais d’un autre côté, il s’agit également d’un objet dangereux, pouvant nuire à la santé des enfants. Une étude montre que l’organisme d’un enfant de moins de 10 ans n’est pas encore prêt pour l’usage d’un téléphone portable, en raison d’une absorption trop importante des ondes émises par l’appareil. Ainsi, des maladies pourraient survenir à force d’une utilisation trop fréquente. Mais comment empêcher les enfants de les utiliser ? Une chose est sûre, moins les portables disposent d’options, moins ils sont attrayant pour les enfants. Ainsi, évitez autant que possible d’offrir à vos enfants un gadget de haute technologie qui risque d’endommager son cerveau. Sachez que le portable n’est pas recommandé pour un enfant de moins de 10 ans.

Les dangers de l'Internet

Les enfants et l'internet

Comme la vie réelle, le net recèle de nombreux pièges pour ces chères têtes blondes. Voici comment s'y préparer lorsque l'on n'y connaît rien. Sexe, violence, drogue, racisme, jeu d'argent, mauvaise rencontre sur un forum de discussion: les enfants sont les victimes faciles des contenus douteux. Pénétrant au sein du foyer familial, la toile est devenue le terrain de jeu des jeunes qui s'échangent musiques et fichiers vidéo en peer-to-peer, racontent leur vie par l'intermédiaire des blogs (journaux intimes) et se créent des réseaux d'amis sur les messageries instantanées ou les chats. Un tiers d'entre eux seraient confrontés à des images choquantes sur le web. Les parents s'avèrent souvent désemparés face à des bambins devenus plus experts qu'eux en matière de navigation. Le danger peut provenir de l'utilisation la plus anodine d'un moteur de recherche. Ainsi, une requête pour le mot «chatte» les conduira à coup sûr vers des sites pornographiques. Le spam (envoi massif de mails non sollicités) s'avère également une porte d'entrée vers des sites réservés aux adultes. De même, les forums et autres blogs attirent les adolescents en quête de rencontres. Difficile de surveiller la moindre de leurs conversations. L'univers du jeu en ligne n'est pas exempt de risques non plus, notamment pour les parties les plus violentes où les participants communiquent des informations en direct, soit par message écrit soit par micro-casque. Face à cette évolution des mœurs, il convient pour les parents d'adopter la bonne attitude, sans diaboliser internet. Ce formidable outil et moteur social doit rester encadré. Aux parents de se montrer vigilants comme ils le sont dans la rue. Des solutions de filtrage existent. Certaines fournies par les éditeurs d'antivirus s'avèrent relativement efficaces. Les pouvoirs publics désirent maintenant décliner ces précautions dans l'univers du téléphone mobile. Il ne faut toutefois pas s'alarmer inutilement. Un pédophile ne se cache pas derrière chaque site internet. Le dialogue et l'encadrement restent prépondérants pour préparer l'enfant aux dangers qui le guettent. Fasciné par le monde des adultes, celui-ci cherche d'ailleurs souvent de façon volontaire à se frotter aux interdits. On n'hésitera pas non plus à restreindre les horaires d'utilisation au moyen d'un logiciel approprié : cela afin d'éviter les risques d'une addiction aux jeux en ligne ou à la messagerie instantanée

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Women prefer Smartphone to men

Women prefer Smartphone to men
According to a study conducted by the English newspaper Daily Mail, men are not against Smartphone of these young ladies. A poll with 4000 women shows that 4 out of 10 women would be devastated if they lose their phone, however 3 out of 10 without their boyfriend, other believe that they may well live without human life. Another survey aimed at the 20 things that women cherish more than anything, place the mobile phones in the third position, two places above their boyfriends! Unfortunately, this survey does not specific information, such as the age of the participants or their pace of life, this kind of details could have a little more understanding to the results. However, I would like to make a conclusion as a woman: a Smartphone is much more faithful you gentlemen! Good ok, well joke, without having to return to the emancipation of women and all that goes with, if I had the opportunity to make this survey, I would have placed my man before my Smartphone, for the sole reason that even if technology allows many things, nothing is more effective than a man to take out the rubbish!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

With their laptops, the French connect more that they speak.

With their laptops, the French connect more that they speak.
Contrary to what one might think with unlimited packages, the French do not explode their laptops: 40% of them spend less than one hour per month on the phone. Despite unlimited packages, the French are not achieved in telephone acute. Less than a French on two telephone less than an hour per month from their Smartphone. Some 40% of the French less than an hour per month from their mobile phone, but 31% of them are using it every day to connect to internet. The study, conducted from 6 to April 10 to 1.006 persons aged 16 to 64, according to the method of quotas, shows that 97% of the respondents have a mobile and that 83% were infected with a package. Regarding the time spent each month on their mobile phone, 40% of respondents say call less than an hour and 37% between an hour and three hours. On large consumers, 10.3% of the French say call from their mobile for three to five hours per month and 9.3% more than five hours.
-500 SMS per month:
Stop at conventional wisdom, the study also shows that men spend so much time on the phone than women, but that they do not give the same correspondents the same time. Thus, women most often call their children than men (38% against 21.5%) and their mother (32% versus 25%). At the level of the internet connection, 31% of respondents indicate surf every day from their mobile phone, this proportion reaching even 57% of those aged 16 to 24. Finally on the SMS, 64% of respondents send less than 100 texts per month, or less than three per day. Young people are much more active that the average, 67% of the 16 to 24 age indicating sends more than 500 SMS per month.

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