Monday, April 30, 2012

Sales of tablets do not know the crisis.

Sales of tablets do not know the crisis. Flagship of the past year and the current year, the tablet that seduced 440.000 French buyers in 2010, 1.5 million in 2011 and already 232.000 for the first two months of the current year is poised for another year of strong growth in 2012, where GfK provides...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Commercial success for Samsung Galaxy Smartphone

Samsung Smartphone Galaxy S i9000 Samsung Electronics has recorded a record profit of 5.2 billion (3.9 billion€) through more than 20 000 Smartphone Galaxy per hour in the first quarter. The South Korean Group stole the title of world's leading manufacturer of mobile phones, after fourteen years of...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chrome 18 would be the most used browser in the world

Google Chrome The battle of browsers continues to rage. While Chrome had happened before Internet the time of a Web last March, the Google browser seems to have made a definitive advantage over the Microsoft. Indeed, according to Stat Counter, the 18 chrome version would be passed to Internet Explorer...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Google Launches Drive, storing online

Google Launches Drive, storing online The Web giant offers the possibility to store any file online since Tuesday. Interview with the program. Google launched around the world since Tuesday, Google Drive, online storage service. It is not a system of guidance for car, but a new step in the Galaxy...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Evolution of Facebook - Facebook has won 56 million members in three months

Facebook The growth of the social network is taken by emerging markets and mobile. There are two billion people in the world. Facebook aims to link them all. Created in 2004, the site has done half of the path: end of March, Facebook had more than 901 million active members a month, from 845 million...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Online press: the giant Google stops fees

Online press: the giant Google stops fees The group closes One Pass, its solution of micro payment for publishers. What should be the response of Google to Apple or, at least, a valuable alternative for newspaper publishers online? But without results and strategic interest for the giant the Internet...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Is BlackBerry update on its new?

BlackBerry Torch 9810 77 million users worldwide, an increase of 75% in the Europe zone accompanied the announcement of these figures to a presentation of news which should seduce the businessmen as adolescents. 7.1 OS has just been launched in France with lot of new features. Now, the latest BlackBerry...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Safety of children on the Internet

Safety of children on the Internet The Internet is, for children, a way interesting to learn, have fun and discuss with their classmates, or simply a place for relaxation and exploration. But just like the real world, the world of the Internet can be dangerous for children, especially with respect...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The technology is not to link us?

Smartphone Since several years, our dependence on electricity has become almost total. A simple power outage for a few minutes, and our world is turned upside down. This form of liability it is added the arrival of equipment and daily tools become indispensable for some, such as the Internet or the...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

ASUS ROG Xonar Phoebus: a very high range players sound card

ASUS ROG Xonar Phoebus Asus has announced the arrival of a sound card format PCIe x 1 high-end and dedicated to the players: the ROG Xonar Phoebus. Manufacturer announces that it has an excellent ratio signal / noise of 118 Db (A) with an announced noise mitigation system as being intelligent. The...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Intel hopes to sell 20 to 30 Ultrabooks million in 2012

HP Folio 13 The Ultrabooks, these ultra notebook computers, lightweight, powerful, and therefore quite expensive, time they the same success than netbooks? According to internal forecasts Intel revealed by DigiTimes, the purpose would be to take between 20 and 30 million units this year, to double...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Patent war: Apple and Samsung are looking for an agreement.

Apple and Samsung The war between Samsung and Apple could come to an end. The PDG of the two giants have agreed to meet under the mediation of a US judge. After an open war that lasts a year, Apple and Samsung have taken a major step towards a possible reconciliation. The two companies have agreed...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Our daily changes with new technology

Our daily changes with new technology Develop a critical and thoughtful attitude to information appears all the more necessary for the young generation it is naturally attracted to relays such as the radio, television or Internet. The Web already appears firmly planted in its habits. Youth daily can...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

YouTube wants to democratize 3D video

YouTube wants to democratize 3D video After a year of test, YouTube opened to the public its videos HD 1080p 3D conversion service. While 3D TV does not appear to have convinced the public, YouTube will try to convince Internet users. After a year of tests, the site finally launches service that offers...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Apple valued at $ 600 billion

Ipad for Apple The computer group Apple reached Tuesday 10 April, a new record, exceeding a time the 600 billion (EUR 458 billion) of recovery on the stock exchange, before returning to 586 billion (447 billion euro). Apple had crossed the Cape of 500 billion dollars (382 billion euro) in March; its...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

In 2012, two times more tactile tablets and 2011

Tactile tablets The market for tablets expected almost double between 2011 and 2012 and $ 60 million to 119 million units sold worldwide, according to Gartner forecasts. According to the research firm, 118,8 million tablets will be passed this year in the world and Apple will remain "the locomotive...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Full Facebook tool to download its profile.

Facebook Facebook announced Thursday, April 12 that it had updated its profile download tool, which allows a user to download all content that it has published or shared on the social network. Now, you can also download other information, such as your previous names, applications of friend that you...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Anxiety to be deprived of his mobile phone

Anxiety to be deprived of his Mobile Phone Feel very anxious at the thought of losing her laptop or be unable to spend more than a day: the nomophobie, a contraction of "No. mobile phobia", affects mainly the addicted to social networks that do not support to be disconnected. A study from a thousand...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Many people sleep with its Smartphone

Many people sleep with its Smartphone A good book, TV, or even a doudou, all ways to fall asleep quietly? Not so sure. According to a survey published Thursday, and by the Kaspersky Lab anti-virus software Editor, 20% of the French consider essential to sleep with their Smartphone beside the bed....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Google presents his glasses are connected to the Internet

Sunglasses for surfing on the Internet Google introduced Wednesday, April 4, through a demonstration video, its prototype of glasses are connected to the Internet. Sunglasses for surfing on the Internet. Google introduced its connected glasses project, Wednesday, 4 April. Currently at the prototype...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

3D apartment

3D Apartment 3D apartment offers you the opportunity to design, build and decorate your home with how virtual and interactive. This software also offers you the possibility to create your apartment according to your taste or organize your own inside your House. With a full palette of tools, the 3D...

Monday, April 9, 2012

The dangers of the internet for children

The dangers of the internet for children Closely see the dangersThe rules of safe navigation:-Never put his address or phone number.Rule 1: Always ask permission has his parents before disclosing my name, address, telephone number, credit card number and photos.-Never put his full name! The nicks...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The dangers of the internet for children

The dangers of the internet for children This, it is all well and good but now should be to learn? What are the dangers? How the Scout?Are we too alarmist? Why not just cut internet?I will try to put all this clearest possible using a "lay" language and not a computer Lingo.There are two categories...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The main dangers on the Internet

The main dangers on the Internet Young people and the Internet: the dangers of online reputationThe new dangers of the Internet. There is unfortunately not that pornography, violence or racism. The cats, social networks, and chat rooms for teens on the Web have become the preferred means to harass,...

Friday, April 6, 2012

The MIT is developing a laser able to see in the corner camera

The MIT is developing a laser able to see in the corner camera The MIT is developing a laser able to see in the corner cameraThe MIT Media Lab researchers have developed a new imaging technology that could in the future be used to see "through" barriers by using opaque walls, doors, soil or ceilings...

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