Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dependence on the Internet

dependency on technology of the Internet Our increasing dependency on technology of the Internet as a pillar of a global society seems unprecedented. Many aspects of international trade and finance are today dependent on the integrity and the State of the global connectivity of the Internet. The choices...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The French trace good business 5 h per week on the internet

French women and the purchase on internet Addicted to shopping have a new hunting ground: internet. According to a study published and commissioned by eBay and sites, the French spend on average five hours per week on e-commerce sites and more than 52% buy online at least once a month....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Google confirms: opening of the ebookstore in France

ebookstore The news shook the French internet. Since the announcement of the launch of Google Play, the next platform bringing together a whole of dematerialized content, the rumor grew up an opening of the ebookstore in France. Finally a digital books sold by the California company in France?Soon,...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Internet: Fifth power of the world

The internet access If Internet was a country, it would be the fifth economic power in the world to the year 2016.The world population is estimated at 7 billion according to the Organization of the United Nations. End of 2011, the Internet user population is estimated for its part to 2.3 billion....

Friday, March 23, 2012

SFR square Web 24/24: calls and more, the internet less.

The internet access Sole discretion, SFR has just added a new package: square Web Special Edition 24/24. As its name indicates, it calls in unlimited, but internet access is now blocked to 1 GB. Indeed, on other packages square Web 2 H and 3 H (the latter also is Special Edition), it was a Fair use...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The internet, first world travel agency and Kingdom of the system.

Internet and travel They remain close to home or travel the world, vacationers organize more and more their own trips, direct consequence of the internet become the location of all the possible and the Kingdom of the system, let alone at the time of the tablets and smartphones.The largest Agency...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Internet Explorer and Firefox attack targeted ads

the ads targeted New versions of the two browsers incorporate tools against the advertising trace on the Internet. The Obama administration wants a Charter on the right to privacy.Internet browsers, which competed long on the display speed, pages and security are now seeking to better ensure the...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Addiction and Internet: addiction similar to that of the drug and alcohol

Addiction and Internet Internet is more and more at the centre of our daily lives. Obvious disruption is found on our social behaviour and our spirit. Without for the moment to take all the consequences, more in addition to researchers study the effects of the uses of the Internet. The bumps to...

Monday, March 19, 2012

The euro is dead long live the Europe of the homelands and projects

Explosion of the buying Euro It must suddenly said: the euro is dead because it is destroyed itself. The existence of the European Union (EU) as it was deconstructed since the single act and the Maastricht Treaty vote, the euro system and the policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) have been...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Explosion of the buying Euro

Explosion of the buying Euro It is true, at the beginning it had confused by the change of scale, upset by creeping inflation that each trader seemed to want to impose through the transition to the euro as a pretext; then from time it was accustomed and same attaché. Today it is serious issue to...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Explosion of the euro: London prepares for the disappearance of the euro

Disappearance of the Euro. London, it is the authorities that evoke, in oblique terms, the question. For example, a head of the financial services Authority said that British banks must be ready to face all the possibilities, even the worst. Prime Minister David Cameron was similarly the subject...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Disappearance of the Euro.

Explosion of the buying Euro Unthinkable there is still some months, European countries échafauderaient plans for break-up of the eurozone. National banks plancheraient including on the possibility of reviving their old national currencies, they print more since the launch of the euro in January...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Explosion of the euro: companies have already started to prepare the upheaval

Explosion of the buying Euro Journalists met with dozens of officials of multinationals. Their question was simple: do you envisage the end of the euro? And the answers, in their vast majority, positive. The leaders of large companies already to think about the consequences of the demise of the...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The dangers of the Internet

The Internet You've probably already seen on the internet: a simple and fast method to earn between 2000 and 3000 Euros per day!It abundant on the unscrupulous sites that speak of sports betting. Some call it the fault of Betandwin, others the method of recurring earnings or even method "Half time/full...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The latest trends of the new technology

New technology even for the elderly The new technology products have become indispensable for the seniors. Seniors thus closely follow the latest trends in the field that could improve their communication with their loved ones. Their tools of choice are the computer with which they can surf on the...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Technology touch screen for interactive communication in your company or your store!

Screen touch 23 Samsung 230TSn dynamic display SAMSUNG's MagicInfo ™ is the dynamic display solution for companies who want to benefit from the advantages of the dynamic display without a PC dedicated to each screen. Perfectly adapted to airports, hotels, malls, offices, reception areas of companies,...

Dependence on the Internet

L'internet Unable to control their cravings to surf the Internet have serious neurological problems comparable to cocaine and crystal meth consumers according to a recent study.Internet addiction disorder is described as pathological Internet use causing distress marked that can have a significant...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

First disaster of YouTube in the world: a year later, how the tsunami has changed in the Japan (and the world) forever

Fukushima It is the disaster at the Japan tore and costs tens of thousands of lives. But it was also the first natural disaster to play in real time on the new 24 hours and especially through social media channels. Around the world, people was planted with horror in front of millions of computers...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

You Tube: The most popular destination on the Internet.

You Tube YouTube is by far the most popular destination on the Internet for the video, most of which has been posted by users. Almost two-thirds of all video displays in the United States and around the world occur on YouTube. Its success was based on its software rendering for computer users to...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mobile 3gp for YouTube free videos

You Tube As the mobile device technology is of paramount importance in modern society, applications and software that run on it. Such is the case with the third generation Partner Ship Project and the popular file format, 3gp (or 3gpp). This format file or container is used on most 3 G and 4 G multimedia...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Statistics of the year 2011 for You Tube

Mine video Mine of videos, YouTube has emerged as the video sharing service online after only a few years of existence and its acquisition by the Google giant. Simple appearance, YouTube offers some interesting features. This quiz is designed to test your knowledge in this area. You Tube did not...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Internet: the dangers of virtual reality

Danger of the internet Internet and sexCould you imagine that a child taperait zoo or animal on its search engine is likely to arrive at a list of animal sites? Indeed, the Internet cares well borders and laws! Many unscrupulous companies understood as porn sites business now represents...

Internet: the dangers of virtual reality

Internet and children The Net addiction.Youth do not spontaneously perceive the internet as a place of hazards or risks. It is imperative to secure children conversations in the salons of discussion (cats) use a parental control software. and never leave a single child on internet, should...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Internet: the dangers of virtual reality

The internet and its danger Chinese researchers studied the brains of persons dependent on the World Wide Web. Abuse of the Internet proves to be as destructive to the human leads system than alcohol or cigarettes.It is the white matter of the brain that is reached, especially areas that are...

The dependence of the internet for Asian

The dependence of the internet for Asian Want to catch in new technologies, Beijing seems also to be advanced on the treatment of "perversions" that can lead this new universe! China could become the first country in the world to classify "Internet addiction" as "clinical disease". A manual...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

1 billion users in August 2012

Evolution of Facebook With 1 connected to the network to 10 inhabitants of this planet, Facebook would be the 3rd country in the world and its capital would be Jakarta! All facebooker designed you a chart showing the evolution of the number of active accounts on the network, indeed, the 665 million...

Evolution of Facebook

Evolution of Facebook If some like MySpace remains essential, it is Facebook who knows the most impressive progress and great enthusiasm, to such point that each new statistics on the number of users is already expired at the time of its publication. Created in 2006, it has 150 million users...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Evolution de Facebook

Evolution of Facebook Since its launch, Facebook continues to evolve its functionality and uncover new opportunities, not only to meet the needs of growing Internet users to use the platform but also to to seduce new. And improvements in the social network are not ready to stop. Facebook...

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